Monday, September 17, 2007

Eearn Money from your blog and website

Friends, You spend lot of time writing blogs on you blog site, but you don't earn money. many of you might be not aware that now you can earn lot of money using your blog site or your website.
This blog will help you in earning money from your website.

Now the question in your mind is, How can you do it? ...
Don't worry, its very simple, you do not need any thing except Internet connection and your PC to earn money and your account in Google AdSense. First I will describe what is it then will tell you the ways by which you can generate more money.

What is Google AdSense?

Google AdSense is a fast and easy way for website publishers of all sizes to display relevant, unobtrusive Google ads on their web site's content pages and earn money. Because the ads are related to what your users are looking for on your site, you'll finally have a way to both monetize and enhance your content pages. Learn more about.

The program is free, and combines pay-per-click and pay-per-impression advertising - meaning you get paid for valid clicks on the ads on your site or search results pages as well as impressions on your content pages. So go ahead and try this program.

It means, Google takes advertisements for you and share its profit with you. If somebody clicks the on the ad link from your page, you will be paid. More the clicks more you will be paid.

There are many people who earn more than 100 USD per day because of this.

Now what you have to do to maximise your earnings...

Here is the Method
1. Goto AdSense home page
2. Click on the sign up now and then register yourself with your real information.

Once you are registered, Google will review your registration details and approve your account to use the Google AdSense within one week.

Once the account is complete, then you can put Google AdSense on your account.

How to optimise your earnings?
1. Get registered via the logo of this website
2. Write as many blogs you can write
3. Make your blog popular so that many people can visit your site.
4. Don't forget to put referral links on your web site.

Enjoy earning from now onwards, If your blog is popular you may be earning 30000 USD a month sitting at home.

Don't forget to leave you comment.


  1. What happens if I write a software which automatically clicks on google ad on my friends web-site at predefined interval?

  2. Its illegal and your friends adsense account will be blocked.

    If the clicks are more than the page impression then the account is blocked

  3. How u came out with a figure of 300000 USD a month, i am a blogger myself & i think you can earn enough through blogging & its just a part time earning. If you have certain tips pls share
