Friday, February 13, 2009
Chanakya TV serial, online on youtube, Vol 1-8, All episodes 1-47
Chanakya was a renounced Acharya (professor) during the Maurya Emperor Chandragupta. Chanakya consists of 47 expisodes is an that was originally telecast on DD National in Early 90s. The series takes us through the life of Chanakya, his works - Chanakya Neeti and Arthasastra.
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7:54 AM
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Hello Vikas I Have founded the great link on Bharat Ek Khoj on mystica music .we have seen the intresting television series on dordarshan ,Bharat Ek Khoj written by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru , bharat ek khoj directed by shyam benegal
ReplyDeleteHope you liked it
ReplyDeleteHi JOhn
Bharat ek khoj on mystica music or intelindia is not free.., you can watch first 10 episodes for free at
I am looking for all the episodes for free, once available.., you can watch all the episodes
la jabab thanks maney maney
ReplyDeletegoutam Sur
very good works, you guys are keeping indian spirit high...
ReplyDeleteamazing work, you guys are keeping indian spirit high,,,
Thanks dear for chanakya serial ...really u r genious and may god bless u ...
ReplyDeleteThanks for Chankya episodes.
ReplyDeleteHi Vikas,
ReplyDeletethanks dear..U hv done such a worthy job by posting this great serial here. why our tv channels dont show such great meaningful serials??? let todays politicians-- sas bahu channels see this TREASURE & learn importance of True Love for nation & showing quality programs like this..but sadly they today hv lost quality creativity which could educate our 110+ crore population..just continue such good work..Thanks
many many thanks for great postings
ReplyDeletevande matram vikash ,
ReplyDeletethanks a lote for providing this chankya serial
today i complete all episode is any apisode panding other tane this?
agan thanks for youe passion to maa bharti....
jai hind
dear Sandeep,
ReplyDeleteall episodes are here.., I watched them in 4 days.., morning to evening.. I remember that I was speaking very good Hindi after watching it..,
Jai maa bharati.
Hi vikas......u did a fabulous job......congratulations on the victory and ur support for Maa Bharti..........Grt job done mate......
ReplyDeleteNice man... I found episodes on youtube, but its deleted just after i saw first one.. thanks for upload...
ReplyDeleteDo you have any link for Mritunjay.
And ya I am very grateful to you if you can give me the link where i can find the video of chankya skit played by manoj joshi.
ReplyDeleteThanks in advanced. :)
ReplyDeleteI had recently purchased a DVD set of Chanakya serial, but to my dismay I found, that the last (part) DVD is not working. Is it possible downloading the same from your link.
Thx a lot Vikas for uploading these videos.
thanks Vikas, for uploading these videos..
ReplyDeleteThough requested to channel operators / Door- Darshan also to retelecast this serial but nobody seems interested due to the truth prevailed in the serial and eradicated imperialism/ favourism.
ReplyDeleteSeems to go again and again see the word by word / every moments.
Thanks. 01st May'2010 Saturday New Delhi
I watched this serial many time. I like the work and feelings Dr. Chandraprakash Dwivedi has put forward. I think, it is us to learn from our high esteemed culture and should try to adopt the values in our daily life. Many of us who watched those links might be living in different countries. And those liked watching it, I am sure they are great believer of our culture.
ReplyDeleteIndeed our culture is rich with its great philosophy, art and science. Everybody has already said it, so why I am saying it again? We got independence as country “India”, but are we really achieved independence culturally? Is our general society is still not a slave of western culture?
Hey Big Sons of Vishal Bharat you can bring about the change. We are “Arya”, our culture makes us that, nothing is there like “Aryan Race” as foolish westerner thinks so.
From Some Bharatiya.
Thanks a lot man u hv done a great job.i hv read abt chanakya but is there any episode left?Becoz i m eager to know that what happened after the last episode?
ReplyDeleteI thoroughly enjoyed the series "Chanakya". Many many thanks for the Producer Dwivedi and to Vikas for making it possible to view it online. Right from the time of Greek invasion to British occupation and still now unfortunately we do not have unity and strong Desh Bhakti. It is a great effort and need to be awakened again and again in every Indian soul the patriotism to ma Bharati. If there are any online series about Jhansi Rani Lakshmibai, Chatrapati Shivaji Please bring them up.
ReplyDeleteJai Hind.
Thanks Vikas for posting. I enjoyed watching all the episodes. It was hard to stop once I started to watch. Thank You so much for making this possible.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much. for sharing this incredible series "CHANAKya".
ReplyDeleteThis incredible series "CANakya" is hard to stop once started to watch. It is thoroughly enjoyable.
ReplyDeleteRight from the time of Greek invasion to British occupation and still now unfortunately we do not have unity and strong deza-bhakti. It is a great effort and need to be awakened again and again in every Indian soul the patriotism to mA BhAratI.
Hey Big Sons of Vial Bharat you can bring about the change. We are “Arya”, our culture makes us that, nothing is there like “Aryan Race”.
let todays politicians-- sas bahu channels see this TREASURE & learn importance of True Love for nation & showing quality programs like this..but sadly they today hv lost quality creativity which could educate our 110+ crore population..just continue such good work..Thanks
Thanks a lot for this series chanakya. Thanx a zillion
ReplyDeletehi Vikas,
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot for the videos,i am in germany and myself and my wife watch these episodes everyweek end as if we r watching it in doordarshan TV.Infact i was searching eagerly for this video.Thanks a lot for the post.I wish some indian TV channels should telecast this serial to make indians more patroitic stop quarelling each other for cast and reservation.
Thanks a lot again vikas.
Can i download these episodes?if so please guide me on this.
Murthy and shalu
Dear vikas
ReplyDeletei am really thankful for providing such a wonderful serial like Chanakya.You had provided such a good historical serial and which can guide the people even in these times because the situations are more or less same in our political systems . thanx again and wish that another chanakya be here to regain the pride of india.
Jai hind
Navneet s. Chauhan
hello vikas...thanks for uploading such legendary serial. i appreciate your efforts
ReplyDeleteHi Vikas Thanks for posting such a fabulous serial. Ma bharti tera raksha kere...
ReplyDeletethanks a lot. I watched all the episodes in 3 days. watched day and night. slept at morning 7.NOw I have no word to describe my feelings after I saw it. thanks a lot vikar
ReplyDeletefirst of all i want to thanks vikas for bringing this serial to people of maa Bharti. this serial tell us about unity and still after independence we indians are not united. watching this serial is not sufficient until we take a lesson from this serial. the conditions are more or less same. we need to unite ourself against today's politics, corruption, terrorism, and many other issues related to our country. we are the youth and we have to decide our country future. the fact is very much known to all of us that we are behind from many countries on many areas and whenever someone says this fact, then we put our values in front of us as a defense shield, but the fact is known to everyone. now we, those people who have concern about maa bharti , should take an initiative to deal with our country problems. so everyone who is reading this msg. should take some or other steps to deal with the sins at his own level. do whatever you can do for your country not wait for others to help you. thanks.. jai hind jai maa bharti
ReplyDeleteBharar is one from himalaya to indian ocean ..such a great through chanakya had his life..i got to know by this serial ..hope we should have some one in our politics at this time..will have bater future for next generation
ReplyDeleteThanks..for such great job ...
hello Vikas, i am greatly obliged to you for providing us with such a valuable thing, that may lead people to get a wide vision towards the ancient indian history n lives as well..
ReplyDeleteThanks a ton....
राष्ट्र-भक्ति का यह सन्देश आज भी अनुकरणीय है ।
ReplyDeleteइस अमर-अमूल्य कृति के लिये पूज्य श्री चन्द्र प्रकाश जी की सेवामें
शत-शत अभिनन्दन ॥
आपके इस गहन अध्ययन से चाणक्य के अग्रिम जीवन पर भी आपका प्रकाश एक बार फिर चाणक्य २ के रूप में विश्व-विदित होना चाहिये ॥
I feel some new channels must telecast Chankya serial in regional languages. Achary Chankya is the best role model for Teachers as well as Students. And He is the Best guider for politicians. I admire his character as teacher, student, and politician. Now a days our country need a politician like Chankya to clean our politics.
ReplyDeleteThank you very very much for this serial. I want to see it from last four years but u make my dream true.thanks again
ReplyDeleteGreat Job,As Chankya is a great person whom each and every young person should see and learn alot
great serial ...thanks to vikas
yes we have to in serial once Vishnu Gupt said
k sena k prast hone se rastr ki parajay nahi hoti ... rastr ki parajay tab hoti hai jab hum apni sanskriti, apni sabhyata ka tyag kar k vijit ki sabhyata ko apna lete hain.... so hume parajit nahi hona hai...
Thanks yaar for chanakya serial.
ReplyDeleteAabhaar, Arya Vikas. Maa Bharti Aap ka marg prashasta kare! Jai Maa Bharati.
ReplyDeleteacharya vishnugupt se maine bahut kuchh seekha hai..,
Can any of you Please post the lyrics of 'Surya Kiran key Swarna Vihangam' from the 45th episode of Chanakya?
ReplyDeleteChanakya reminds me of Ghandhi ji...of course Chanakya is many times senoir to our Father Of The Nation...but at the end of the day both came to the conclusion that they both were wrong in forcing ppl to follow their perceptions...somehow they were not happy with what they did...I am also a little confused...
ReplyDeleteHi, check the lyrics here
Thanx Vikas ji for posting the lyrics of Suryakiran promtly......if it were in English I could have just copied and pasted directly......
ReplyDeleteI did find some maatras missing in the lyrics...for eg.'yug' doesn't have oo ki maatra...and so on..
ReplyDeleteThank you very much once again.
यह सीरियल देख यही लगता है कि यदि देश और विश्व में रह रहे आर्यों को आचार्य विष्णुगुप्त और आर्य सम्राट चन्द्रगुप्त के इतिहास के बारे में नहीं मालूम है तो आज की आधुनिक कहे जाने वाली शिक्षा अधूरी और बेकार है . यह सीरियल आज के शिक्षकों और छात्रों को अवश्य देखनी चाहिए .राष्ट्र क्या है ? स्वतंत्रा का क्या अर्थ है ? यह सब बातें इस सीरियल में बहुत ही अच्छी तरह से समझाई गयी हैं .आर्य विकास को बहुत-बहुत धन्यवाद .
ReplyDeleteधननन्द के शासन में और आज के शासन में क्या कोई फर्क है ?
ReplyDeleteमुझे आश्चर्य जान पड़ता है कि हमारे पूर्वजों ने देश की एकता और अखंडता के लिए कितना परिश्रम और कितना संघर्ष किया . कहाँ गांधार और तक्षशिला और कहाँ पाटलिपुत्र . तक्षशिला जो कि आज के पाकिस्तान में और गांधार अफगानिस्तान में अवस्थित है से लेकर पाटलिपुत्र राज्य जो कि आज बिहार के नाम से जाना जाता है तक यात्रा किया करते थे .क्या आज के तथाकथित नेता जिसे जनता का प्रतिनिधि कहा जाता है में इतना परिश्रम और संघर्ष कर पाने की क्षमता है ? आज जहाँ यात्रा के लिए अनेकोंनेक साधन उपलब्ध हैं उसपर भी देश के नेता जनता और देश की सेवा नहीं कर पाते हैं .
ReplyDeleteThe lucid,classic,musical,chaste Hindi was the main attraction of Chanakya serial.I always thought BJP people belonged to this genre.LK Advani ji, Sushma Swaraj ji...aur anya BJP workers speak the way Chnakya folks did.This made me sit trhu the soap opera watch Chanakya evryweek without cousins shaved their heads those days..just to be a part of that am proud that I own a DVD set of Chanakya...
ReplyDeleteMay more and more candles be lit by the fire created by the great soul "Chankya" and by those who bring his memories and deeds in front of us so that more souls are enlightened.
ReplyDelete"Jai Bharati"
thanks vikas for these serials........!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks Vikas. U had done a gr8 job. I dont understand why our TV channels shows these serials repeatedly. These serials are really worth ful in todays lifestyle also. One can really learan lot of things from it. Insted of showing rubbish serials of Sas Bahu, or reality Shows Serials like Chanakya, gr8 Marataha, zhansi ki rani should be shown from which todays Youth can get some morals & good way to live.
ReplyDeleteदुःख होता है की, आज के पंजाब व हरयाणा आदि, जो कभी तक्षशिला का हिसा थे, के किसी भी स्कूल (विद्यालय), कॉलेज (महा-विद्यालय) अथवा उनीवेर्सिटी (विशवविद्यालय) मैं आचार्य विष्णु गुप्त (चाणक्य) जी का (पोर्ट्रेट) रूपचित्र तक भी देखने को नहीं मिलता; क्या हम सब व हमारे तथा कथित शिक्षक भी बाहरी सभ्यताओं से इतने ज्यादा पर्भावित हो चुके हैं की हम अब अपनी पुरातन व महान संस्कृति को जानने, पढने या पढाने मैं शर्म महसूस करने लगे हैं?
ReplyDeleteGreat work man...
I am not able to download the Chanakya from link
ReplyDeleteChanakya TV serial, watch online, Vol 1-8, download all episodes.
It is not working. please tell fhow to download Chanakya
Great job man!...Chanakya is real inspiration even today his vision applies....Jai Maa Bharati
ReplyDeleteSachin M
thanks vikas for you works
thanks for the great serial
ReplyDeleteits a big inspiration
dev vikash pranam can you tell me how to got italian work visa
ReplyDeletesaini harlal
nice to be going through our past history always a pleasure
ReplyDeletethanks vikas u have done a great work
ReplyDeleteMy name is chaitanya saini. After watching dis serial i ask my mother to change my as chanakya..
ReplyDeleteI am gr8 fan of d person who act as chanakya in d serial...
Now a days it is Anna Hazare with a cause to fight out Corruprion..
ReplyDeleteChanakya/M.K.Gandhi/Anna Hazare/are one and the same.
ReplyDeletehi and thank u very much i found meaning of my life.thank you very much.
ReplyDeleteafter watching this i found meaning of my life and
ReplyDeleteour country.thank you very much.
For sometime even Anna Hazare sound like Chanakya...lets wait and watch..
ReplyDeleteHave you stopped answering ?
ReplyDeleteHum Shivaji ka bhi intezar karengey.aap zaroor online pe is serial ko layiye.
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot for this great collection. We love to see old DD national serials.
ReplyDeletekhuub khuub dhanyavad
fantastic work! keep the good work on. Jai maa Bharti
ReplyDeletegreat job,,,,,,,,chanakya a source of inspiration .thanks to u
ReplyDeleteThank You! Vikas. This is a true master piece. Chandraprakash Dwivedi has done a fantastic job. Dialogues is amazing. This is the finest show. Thank you for sharing this.
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot Vikas for sharing..truely amazing series, a source of inspiration and a path of life.
ReplyDeleteThanks vikas for sharing this wonderful videos of chanakya.
ReplyDeletei enjoy chanakya serial online thanks to u people.
ReplyDeletegud job vikas, was feeling lonely abroad but seeing chanakya made me nostalgic about my childhood memories when this show was aired on DD channel......keep it up......
ReplyDeleteThis is a very good serial for knowing the culture of old india. thanks to DD National.