Wednesday, April 22, 2009

PhD Students in Italy and time to get residence permit

If you are PhD student in Italy, then please spend some time here.

The time taken to issue the stay permit, specially to PhD students and postdocs, who are here for three years is really becoming a serious problem. The laws are same for normal students and PhD students.

Please go through the survey which has been arranged for foreign doctoral students in Italy. The survey, whose results will be presented in preview opening of the conference "Brain drain, brain gain" to be held in Pisa May 23 2009, () is proposed to analyze the policies of immigration to the people highly qualified in Italy. The questions concern the documentation required, costs and timing for obtaining documents. This can be really useful for the PhD students who are unable to travel for scientific purpose due to the lack of proper documentation like permesso di soggiorno and residenza.

Therefore I ask your cooperation to distribute this document to all the PhD student you know and complete this survey to help the future PhD students coming to Italy.

Once you have completed the survey, you can send the survey from the inbuilt link or via mail to Fondazione RODOLFO DEBENEDETTI

For more informaion, you can contact
Tito Boeri
Direttore Scientifico Fondazione RDB)
Via Roentgen, 1
I-20136 Milan (Italy)
Tel. +39-02-58363341 / 2
Fax +39-02-58363309

1 comment:

  1. hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

