Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Solution to Windows 7 keeps on checking update or searching updates

Are you having one of the following problems related to Microsoft windows 7 update.
  • Windows 7 keeps on checking update or searching updates
  • Windows update stopped working
  • Microsoft windows does not install the pending updates
  • Windows does not show the installed updates.
  • No windows updates after you install IE9.
  • Windows7 failed to install updates many times.
  • Windows update hangs

Cause: The problem is due to the default registry size limit in windows 7 which is is 0x8000000 (134217728). You can increase the registry size limit by following steps

  1. Open regedit (Run regedit)
  2. Then goto and modify the value
  3. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control
  4. Key: RegistrySizeLimit, Type: REG_DWORD, Value: 0x8000000 (134217728)
  5. Change the value: 0xFFFFFF (4294967295)
  6. Now reboot the system and check for the updates. You should be able to update

Related errors in CBS logs :
cbscore.dll problem
Failed to load the COMPONENTS hive from 'C:\Windows\System32\config\COMPONENTS' into registry key 'HKLM\COMPONENTS'. [HRESULT = 0x800705aa - ERROR_NO_SYSTEM_RESOURCES]
Failed to load WCP DLL. [HRESULT = 0x800705aa - ERROR_NO_SYSTEM_RESOURCES]
Failed to initialize the Core DLL:
Failed to initialize CBS Core. [HRESULT = 0x800705aa - ERROR_NO_SYSTEM_RESOURCES]
Failed to initialize Trusted Installer. [HRESULT = 0x800705aa - ERROR_NO_SYSTEM_RESOURCES]
Trusted Installer core was not initialized.
HRESULT (0x800736FD)


  1. You are a Hero, spent a week uninstalling, re-installing changing versions of windows and this solved everything...

    You beauty!!!!

  2. Thanks!! I tried multiple other fixes and nothing helped. MS Fix It found issues but didn't help. Thanks for this.

  3. You are Microsoft GURU.

    Thank you.

  4. Obrigado pela ajuda. Muito Ăștil.

  5. Thank you! This advice help again! x2
