Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Visa for reasearch purpose, work permit, self employement, lavoro autonomo or study visa

Research visa (self employment, lavoro autonomo) is nothing but a work visa given under 27 of Decreto Legislativo 25 luglio 1998, n. 286. You can consider it as a highly skilled immigration for Italy.

Two types of visas are available for research purpose which depends on the type of offer you are getting from the univerity.

1. Study Visa
If you are getting any research fellowship (Borse) to peruse research as post doc, or Assegni di ricerca from which income in not taxable, then you are issued study visa. You don’t have to pay any taxes.

This visa is very easy to get, you just need a letter from the Italian university which mention about your fellowship and accommodation and visa is issued.

2. Lavoro Autonomo visa (SELF-EMPLOYMENT WORK)
This type of visa is for university language tutor, university professors and researchers intending to fill an academic position or carry out paid research activities in Italian universities or educational or research institutes, translators and interpreters.

If you get a work contract from the university, then this visa is given, having this kind of visa you are allowed to get free SSN service of Italy.

The whole process of this kind of visa takes much longer time as compared to study visa.


  1. Hi Vikas

    Do you have any idea on how long will it take to receive Null Oasta for research purpose?

  2. depends on the commune from where you your university will apply for the nulla osta. The process may take upto 90 days.
