Friday, November 14, 2008

ShanghaiDaily: Rebtel voucher code for 30 minutes free calls

Rebtel is gr8 in giving wonderful offers to users..., we have published many offers and voucher codes for rebtel. This site could be the place of latest rebtel voucher codes available today.

The current working voucher code of rebtel is "ShanghaiDaily" Fully tested in working on 14th Nov 2008, so you can expect it to work for a month or so.

This voucher is only for the new users of the rebtel. You will get 10+30=40 minutes after registration.

They are also running some offers, you can check their website for the current offer.

Do not try the the voucher code "rebtelsquidoo", it does not work anymore.

How to make call using rebtel??? click here


  1. Hei , I have registred in Retebl today 22 novemner with your voucher of course they have to me 10 + 30 minutt..but the problem is when i have used my free 10 minutt and calling me to my local number they me i have to shopp credit but i have 30 minutt bonus... :S so what is my solution !!!!!!!!!

  2. which country you are calling to?? rebtel voucher codes does not work for all countries..

    For more offers, please follow


  3. I tried to call to Morocco , but boest works but i'll will try to Norway or NL and I'll Answer you ;)
    thax a lot:)

  4. yepp , it works to Europe thanks ^^

